AIAD - Federazione Aziende Italiane per L'Aereospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza

NATO Summit Defence Industry Forum

NATO Summit Defence Industry Forum

Facendo seguito alla precedente comunicazione SF/201 del 19 aprile u.s.  si diffonde il messaggio con cui l’Industry Relations and EDT/Innovation Coordinator della Defence Investment Division della NATO condivide e spiega più capillarmente l’obiettivo di partecipazione e le modalità dell’Industry Forum in oggetto: l’evento assume ora maggiore concretezza e nel messaggio evidenziato in calce vengono offerti alcuni chiarimenti, così come estesi dagli organizzatori.

Per maggiori chiarimenti non esitate a contattare la scrivente Delegazione.

Resta fissa la data del 10 maggio 2024 per segnalare a Sara FARAGLIA – PoC Italian NIAG Delegation la volontà di partecipare.




Dear NIAG Representatives,

Thank you to those who already sent their expressions of interest.

While the name of this event may seem to some close to NATO-Industry Forum, the NATO Summit Defense Industry Forum follows and entirely different construct.

As you have noticed, this event is organized and hosted by the US Chamber of Commerce. NATO is providing support since it is very relevant from the perspective of proximity to the NATO Summit (the following two days), of the subjects to be addressed and of the level of the participants expected. We aim to have an as inclusive as possible event, with wide participation from all Allied industries, from both sides of the Atlantic.

FYI we have weekly meetings in preparation for this rather challenging event. Following the latest coordination meeting I would like to share the following:

  • The participants targeted for this event are Ministers of Defence from Allied nations, and Chief Executives from industry.
  • The NADREPs and NIAG have received the note below, with the aim to help us identifying and securing the participation of those targeted.
  • The participation is limited to one person per company.
  • As soon as identified, (and after 10 May) they will receive nominal invitations.
  • Shortly a website will allow registration for those expected from industry, which will also allow them to pay the participation fee, which is 2,000 USD per person.
  • The US companies are being contacted directly by the Chamber of Commerce, and offered the possibility to sponsor the event. Therefore US companies that received this note through NIAG should contact directly the US Chamber of Commerce.
  • Only US companies, or US-based representatives of non-US companies, can sponsor.

I hope the above helps clarifying the intent, the conditions of participation, and manages the expectations regarding the expression of interest which you were invited to provide for this event, of which we are very excited to be a part.

Therefore our expectation is to receive from you, by 10 May as indicated below, informal confirmations from your CEOs (C-suite) in order to allow us to send them personal invitations.

Should additional information be required please let me know and I will do my best to provide it.




  Liviu LAZAR (Mr.)

Industry Relations and EDT/Innovation Coordinator

Strategy Directorate / Capability Delivery
Defence Investment Division



Boulevard Léopold III
1110, Brussels, Belgium