AIAD - Federazione Aziende Italiane per L'Aereospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza

M.B. Servizi e Trasporti

M.B. Servizi e Trasporti S.r.l.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Conosciamo tutte le principali sfide da affrontare per la gestione globale di ogni complessa attività legata ai trasporti. In oltre 40 anni di attività abbiamo prodotto soluzioni in grado di distinguerci dai nostri competitor, grazie ad un sistematico e strategico coordinamento delle funzioni aziendali, sia nelle performance legate alle diverse tipologie di trasporto, che nella competenza maturata sulla legislazione doganale.


Lavorando insieme ai nostri corrispondenti, presenti nei principali paesi esteri, abbiamo individuato i bisogni e le priorità di ogni singolo settore nel quale operiamo: materiale di armamento, alta tecnologia spaziale, satelliti e apparati radar, lanciatori spaziali, merci pericolose di classe 1.


Con l’obiettivo di migliorare sempre più le nostre prestazioni, assicuriamo una fattiva assistenza nei più importanti porti e aeroporti sia civili che militari, garantendo, ove richiesto, percorsi riservati alle merci che richiedano una particolare attenzione, anche con l’ausilio di personale dedicato e immagazzinamento in aree protette.


I trasporti rappresentano un tassello di un sistema complesso di processi decisionali e logistici che coinvolgono una pluralità di attori. Con la nostra esperienza e competenza, siamo a fianco dei nostri clienti con un unico obbiettivo, la loro piena soddisfazione.


Le nostre certificazioni:

  • Abilitazione NOSI e tutto il nostro personale è abilitato N.O.S. a livello Segreto/Nato-UE
  • Abilitazioni di sicurezza per la movimentazione di materiale CIS/COMSEC
  • Consulenti per le merci pericolose di classe 1 ADR (esplosivi) certificato n. C03876/2004
  • Consulenti per le merci pericolose IATA certificato n.441467
  • Siamo Spedizionieri Doganali accreditati – Patente nr. 37 del 1° febbraio 1972
  • Iscrizione all’Albo degli Autotrasportatori – autorizzazione nr. 827/2006
  • Certificazione di Qualità IS0 9001/2008 certificato nr. CERSA 1383
  • Qualifica A.E.O. (Operatori Economici Autorizzati) certificato nr. IT AEOC 09 0172
  • Siamo iscritti nell’elenco fornitori del Dipartimento della Difesa U.S.A.
  • Partecipiamo alle gare di appalto del Ministero della Difesa Italiano e abbiamo ottenuto il rilascio certificato NCAGE n. AH231 dal Segretariato Generale della Difesa
  • Associati all’A.I.A.D.


Per noi impegno e professionalità fanno di ogni traguardo un nuovo punto di partenza

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


  • Company Dimension


  • Share capital

    € 10,000

  • Sole Director

    Mario BAIANI

  • Commercial Director

    Andrea BAIANI

  • COO

    Gianluca BAIANI


  • Headquarter

    Via Luigi Mariotti, 51

    Fiumicino (RM) 00054


  • Telephone +39 06 65036074
  • Other Locations
  • Representative Office

    Via Ostia, 16 Roma (RM) 00184 Italia

We know all the main challenges to be faced for the global management of all complex transport-related activities.

In over 40 years of activity we have produced solutions able to distinguish ourselves from our competitors, thanks to a systematic and strategic coordination of the company functions, both in performance related to the various types of transport, and in the expertise gained on customs legislation.

Working together with our agents, present in the main foreign countries, we have identified the needs and priorities of each individual sector in which we operate: armament material, high-tech space, satellites and radar equipment, space launchers, class 1 dangerous goods.

With the aim of constantly improving our performance, we ensure effective assistance in the most important ports and airports, both civil and military, guaranteeing, where needed, routes reserved for goods that require special attention, also with the help of dedicated personnel and storage in protected areas. Transport is a piece of a complex system of decision-making and logistics processes involving a plurality of actors.

With our experience and expertise, we are at the side of our customers with a single goal, their full satisfaction.

Our certifications:

  • Class 1 ADR (explosives) dangerous goods consultants certificate n. C03876 / 2004
  • IATA dangerous goods certificate n.441467
  • We are accredited customs forwarding agents – License n. 37 of 1 February 1972
  • Registration in the Register of road hauliers – authorization no. 827/2006
  • Quality Certification IS0 9001/2008 certificate no. CERSA 1383
  • A.E.O. qualification (Authorized Economic Operators) certificate no. IT AEOC 09 0172
  • We are registered in the U.S.A. Department of Defense
  • We participate in tenders of the Italian Ministry of Defense and have obtained the NCAGE certificate n. AH231
  • Associated with the AI.A.D.

For us, commitment and professionalism make every point a new starting point

Defence and Space

This highly strategic sector represents our core business, where the measure of our efficiency comes from the satisfaction we continue to receive from our customers.

In the handling of armament materials, we design, implement and manage the entire logistic flow related to this very sensitive area.

We transport satellites and their parts, ensuring interchange between different production sites.

We organised the transport of aerospace equipment and boosters produced in Europe for the “Ariane” carrier to the Kourou Space Centre in French Guyane, through planned chartering of aircraft and ships.

We manage and transport sensitive materials, with dedicated and qualified support staff, in full compliance with regulations and safety certification achieved at SECRET/NATO-EU level.

For over forty years we have been operating in this sensitive sector to the acknowledged satisfaction of our Customers and the Authorities.

We are constantly working to improve our distinctive skills in order to appeal to new partners and develop new technological and managerial capacity.

Ground transport

When people put their mind to it, they are capable of creating veritable technological monuments of impressive dimensions.

Before being used, many of them require transport using vehicles able to support their weight and bulk.

Road transport is the most common mode for moving freight and our customers can take advantage of a wide range of vehicles, made available to them and capable of meeting even the most specific needs.

We offer groupage services, dedicated vehicles, cranes, forklifts, aerial platforms and exceptional transport with capillary transport planning.

We keep ourselves constantly updated on transport regulations and are certified for the transport of all dangerous freight including Class 1 (Explosives).

We are resolute in the constant search for opportunities and solutions that can be measured and repeated.

Maritime services

Efficient management of freight transport affects the balance sheet of a company and therefore requires specialised organisation and services.

Outsourcing this phase of the production cycle has become a winning strategy if well thought out.

Our experience in the world of shipping has always made us standard bearers in efficient and timely organisation aimed at the success of each shipment.

We provide information on ports, ship types, freight rates and the regulations to be met for specific freight including types of insurance coverage, ensuring the best technical-economic solutions.

We offer transport services with complete FCL containers, LCL groupage and full charter ships.

Thanks to our logistics experts, who are tenacious in the search for the best solutions, we are able to achieve important efficiency targets aimed at full customer satisfaction.

Air services

Transport costs and speed: the two dynamic factors that can influence the success of every shipment.

The quantity of freight that moves from one side of the globe to the other every day by air is growing steadily, and the market has never had the opportunity to involve such a large number of places and people as it has today. This is a trend that is destined to increase in the near future, thanks to the strengthening of opportunities and commercial relations.

Air freight transport over the last 40 years has taken on prime importance.

We provide an air service of express shipments, direct and consolidated, all over the world.

We have IATA Dangerous Goods certification up to Class 1 Explosives.

When there is a need for fast and urgent deliveries, air transport is the ideal solution.

We identify the most appropriate actions for offering our customers quick, precise and safe solutions.

Customs services

In a global context focused on the liberalisation and rapidity of trade, the relative customs scenario has evolved strongly.

Customs clearance, customs assistance and Intrastat services are essential for the traffic of freight passing through customs.

When we talk about customs, we are talking about a very dynamic environment in which freight arrives and can also stand for a long time during the processing of paperwork and tax aspects.

This is why we need to have the right know-how and the key tools that can be used every day in national and international contexts to avoid frustrating delays.

We operate all over the world and we are able to regularly manage customs procedures and problems of commercial operations, complicated by the numerous rules concerning the origin of freight and the various restrictions imposed by special regulations.

Given that, in addition to fines and financial damages, a small mistake can cause the delay or even interruption of important international transactions, it is essential to be supported by a company able to encompass all the skills aimed at obtaining timely and opportune resolution.

In over forty years of activity we consider ourselves ambassadors and operational observers of the correct management of customs procedures: import/export operations and customs disputes, by preventing and managing them.

We keep ourselves constantly up to date on the reference standards and we always aim to improve the integrated logistics and customs consulting sector.

Charter plane rental

Maximising efficiency by making the most of the time available is a frequent request by many companies.

By virtue of a precise response in this sense, we can offer highly customised services in the rental of charter planes of any kind operating on the market.

We are efficient in planning and managing the entire organisational process.

We take care of the rental contract, coordinating requests for authorisation from all government agencies involved in issuing flight permits, managing airport activities on departure and arrival worldwide and ensuring support on board with our qualified personnel.

With patience and skill, we have given value to the strategic-economic choices of our customers, a fundamental goal we have held to for over forty years and which we pursue with correct and constant planning of our work.

Standard: Norma AEO


Issue/Revision Date: : 2009

Standard: Norma UNI EN ISO 9001

Entity: ICQM

Issue/Revision Date: : 23/07/2015

Standard: Norma ISO 37001/2016

Entity: CVI

Issue/Revision Date: : 26/06/2020

Standard: Norma ISO 14001/2015

Entity: CVI

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