AIAD - Federazione Aziende Italiane per L'Aereospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza



A Fincantieri Company

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


ISSELNORD, società del gruppo Fincantieri, opera da oltre 30 anni nell’ambito dell’ingegneria logistica, dell’ingegneria di manutenzione e delle tecnologie informatiche. È specializzata nella fornitura di un’ampia gamma di servizi tecnici per il “Product Support” nei settori Difesa e Civile.

ISSELNORD è specializzata nell’analisi del Supporto Logistico Integrato (ILS), ovvero la raccolta e l’elaborazione di tutte le informazioni relative al ciclo di vita di qualsiasi sistema complesso, al fine di aumentare la prevedibilità dei tempi di deterioramento di ogni singolo componente e di conseguenza ottimizzare le procedure di manutenzione e sostituzione per garantire la massima sicurezza ed efficienza.

Il reparto IT di ISSELNORD è in grado di sviluppare e produrre potenti software di gestione e applicativi multimediali, utilizzando le tecnologie più avanzate disponibili sul mercato. Il nostro prodotto di punta, SIMPLICIO NXT, è in grado di integrare le specifiche ASD/AIA S-Series e ADL SCORM in un unico common source database, ed è già ampiamente utilizzato su diversi progetti nazionali ed internazionali in ambito militare e civile.

Il reparto traduzioni di ISSELNORD può contare su una rete di oltre 1000 traduttori qualificati, revisori e esperti DTP in tutto il mondo, nonché su una serie di software innovativi per la gestione della traduzione, strumenti CAT e applicazioni per la memoria di traduzione e la terminologia.

La struttura operativa di ISSELNORD ha sede a Follo, La Spezia, su una superficie di circa 2500 m².

ISSELNORD conta attualmente più di 130 dipendenti, con una percentuale di laureati del 60%. Il nostro staff garantisce servizi professionali e di alta qualità.


UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
UNI PrEN 9100:2016 / AS9100D
EN ISO 17100:2017
UNI 10574:2007

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


  • Company Dimension


  • Share capital

    € 400.000,00

  • Board of Directors chairman

    Claudio Andrea GEMME

  • Chief Executive Officer

    Sergio SEMPLICI

  • Board of Directors member

    Alessandra BATTAGLIA

ISSEL NORD, a Fincantieri company, active in the market for more than 30 years, is specialized in providing a wide range of logistic engineering and product support services for companies involved in both civil and defence sectors.

ISSEL NORD is specialized in the analysis of Integrated Product Support (IPS), summarized in the collection, analysis and processing of all the information relative to the life cycle of any complex system, in order to increase the predictability of the deterioration times of each individual component and thereby optimize maintenance and replacement procedures to ensure maximum safety and efficiency.

ISSEL NORD’s engineering department has always ensured the continuous execution of IPS activities for our customers, starting with the analysis of requirements and the preparation of logistics studies, up to the production of IPS documentation including logistics databases to S3000L and 1388-2B standards, provisioning lists to S2000M standard, technical publications to S1000D, ATA, MIL standards, and training aids to SCORM standard.

ISSEL NORD’s Information Technology department develops and produces powerful management software and multimedia solutions, using the most advanced technologies available on the market.
Our flagship software product, the SIMPLICIO Suite, includes a CSDB (SIMPLICIO NXT) capable of integrating the ASD/AIA S-Series and SCORM specifications in a single common source database, an IETP viewer (SIMPLICIO ORION) for the visualization and navigation of S1000D technical publications, a Computerized Maintenance Management System (SIMPLICIO MMS) for configuration management, maintenance scheduling, spare parts availability and product lifecycle management during the in-service support.
Our SIMPLICIO Suite is already widely deployed in a number of national and international projects covering military and civil sectors.

ISSEL NORD’s translation department can rely on a worldwide network of over 1000 qualified translators, reviewers and DTP experts, as well as a suite of innovative translation management software, such as CAT tools and translation memory/terminology applications.

ISSEL NORD currently has more than 180 employees. Our staff guarantees professional and high quality services.

Integrated Product Support Engineering (IPS)

  • Interactive Electronic Technical Publications (IETP) at S1000D, ATA, MIL standards
  • Logistic Support Analysis (LSA) and LSA Records at S3000L and MIL-STD-1388-2B standards
  • Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Testability Analysis (RAM-T)
  • Hazard and Safety Analysis
  • Failure Modes Analysis (FMEA, FMECA)
  • Life Cycle Cost Analysis Models (LCC)
  • Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)
  • Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
  • Detailed maintenance concepts
  • Logistical calculation of spare parts, support tools and test equipment
  • Initial Provisioning Lists at S2000M standard
  • Illustrated Parts Catalogues
  • NATO codification activity both for Italian and foreign material production
  • Training Needs Analysis and training plans
  • SCORM compliant Computer Based and Web Based Training Systems (CBT, WBT) for operators and maintenance personnel

Technical Publications, Military Sector

  • Aviation systems and equipment for military aircrafts and helicopters
  • Naval systems and equipment for warships and submarines
  • Naval and land-based weapon systems: small, medium and large calibre naval gun mounts, missile systems, battle tanks

Technical Publications, Civil Sector

  • Industrial plant systems and equipment
  • Power plants
  • Rail systems and equipment
  • Naval systems and equipment
  • Electronic systems and equipment

SIMPLICIO Software Suite

    • S1000D Module: XML/SGML Interactive Electronic Technical Publications (IETP)
    • S2000M Module: Initial Provisioning Lists (IPL)
    • S3000L Module: Logistics Support Analysis Records (LSA-R)
    • 1388-2B Module: Logistics Support Analysis Records (LSA-R)
    • S4000P Module: Preventive Maintenance Task Requirements
    • S5000F Module: In Service Feedback
    • S6000T Module: Training Analysis and Design
    • SCORM Module: Computer Based and Web Based Training Content (CBT, WBT)
    • Advanced navigation functionalities
    • Advanced search funtionalities
    • Print in PDF format directly from the browser
    • S1000D comments management
    • Publication is exported directly form the CSDB, without any additional steps
  • SIMPLICIO MMS – ISS Lifecycle Management
    • Configuration management
    • Maintenance management and scheduling
    • Product lifecycle management
    • Spare parts management based on warehouse availability
    • Feedback management
    • Visualization of the IPS documentation and technical publications from the CSDB

Support Services for Technical Publications

  • Style Sheets to print in PDF format and to visualize in HTML on the IETP (XSL)
  • Business Rules and BREX Data Modules
  • Guidance Documents for Defence programmes

CAD Services

  • 2D and 3D models
  • Exploded drawings
  • Functional diagrams
  • Service diagrams

Multimedia Applications

  • 2D and 3D animations on equipment assembly and disassembly procedures, graphic illustrations, flow animations, etc.
  • Virtual reality animations
  • Application of Virtual Reality Aided Design (VRAD) technologies
  • Familiarisation systems

Desktop Publishing (DTP)

  • Publication composition in any standard and format (standard word processing, SGML, XML)
  • Format and style conversion with customized tools, from MS Word, Frame Maker, S1000D SGML to S1000D XML

Language Services

  • Translation of operating and maintenance manuals, spare parts catalogues, contracts, marketing and advertising documentation, legal translations, authenticated expert reports, websites
  • Localisation of documents and publications
  • Translation Memory with company-specific terminology
  • Controlled Terminology
  • Desktop Publishing in any format: standard word processing, SGML, XML
  • Interpreting services: simultaneous, consecutive, negotiation, chuchotage, phone interpreting
  • Transcription
  • Training courses for translators and for interpreters

Standard: Norma EN 9100:2018, AS9100D, JISQ 9100:2016

Entity: Kiwa Cermet Italia S.p.A.

Issue/Revision Date: : 2022-10-10

Standard: Norma ISO 9001:2015

Entity: Kiwa Cermet Italia S.p.A.

Issue/Revision Date: : 2022-10-07

Standard: Norma UNI 10574:2007

Entity: Kiwa Cermet Italia S.p.A.

Issue/Revision Date: : 2024-02-24

Standard: Norma UNI EN ISO 17100:2017

Entity: Kiwa Cermet Italia S.p.A.

Issue/Revision Date: : 2024-02-24

Standard: Norma ISO / IEC 27001:2013

Entity: Kiwa Cermet Italia S.p.A.

Issue/Revision Date: : 2021-12-23

Standard: Norma ISO 14001:2015

Entity: Kiwa Cermet Italia S.p.A.

Issue/Revision Date: : 2022-12-21

  • interactive electronic technical publications and handling of classified and unclassified data
  • preparation of courses for users and maintenance workers
  • preparation of technical publications
  • integrated maintenance systems
  • aircraft logistic support
  • logistic support for naval units
  • engines logistic support