AIAD - Federazione Aziende Italiane per L'Aereospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza



Associazione Nazionale Produttori Armi e Munizioni Sportive e Civili

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L’ANPAM, Associazione Nazionale Produttori Armi e Munizioni Sportive e Civili, è stata costituita nel 1980 ed ha sede a Roma. Aderisce alla CONFINDUSTRIA e ne adotta il logo, assumendo così il ruolo di componente primaria del sistema di rappresentanza dell’Industria italiana.


L’ANPAM è inoltre riconosciuta come Organizzazione Non Governativa in status consultivo “Speciale” presso il Consiglio Economico e Sociale (ECOSOC) delle Nazioni Unite.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


  • Company Dimension


  • Share capital


  • Chairman

    Giovanni Battista GHINI

  • Director

    Mauro SILVIS

ANPAM, the Italian National Association of Manufacturers of Firearms and Ammunition for Sport and Civil Uses , was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in Rome. It is associated with CONFINDUSTRIA (the Italian Industrial Confederation) and uses its logo, thus assuming the role of key member of the representation system of the Italian industry.

ANPAM is also recognized as an NGO in “Special” consultative status by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.

ANPAM is in continuous contact with national, European and other international bodies and institutions. It collaborates closely with the various associations in our sector to safeguard their interests.The Association, non-political and independent of outside pressures, aims to:

  • Safeguard the interests, both general and collective, of associated companies;
  • Collaborate and contribute in any way possible to the examination and solution of problems concerning the industries represented;
  • Promote and foster initiatives of mutual interest between the associated companies and other organizations;
  • Represent the associated companies in their relations with institutions of public administration, organizations of economic, political, trade union, cultural and social types, in the national, European and international fields;
  • Organize research and studies, debates and conferences on economic and social questions and of interest in the sector of arms, ammunition and civilian explosives.