AIAD - Federazione Aziende Italiane per L'Aereospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza

Our history

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The idea of creating an association became reality in Milan on the 19th of November 1946, when the Aeronautic Industries Association “A.I.A.” (Associazione delle Imprese Aeronautiche) was constituted, following U.F.A. Aeronautic Factories Union (Unione Fabbriche Aeronautiche) reform’s study which aimed at concentrating the aeronautical sector’s technical, economical, industrial and commercial activities in only one body – substituting the previous UFA and Italian Consortium for the Aeronautic Exportation.

The Association’s headquarters were established in Rome, Via Pinciana n.21, while it’s statute registration act became effective July 21, 1947.

On the 18th of May 1960, following a modification to the statute, the association changed its name to “A.I.A.” Associazione Industrie Aeromissilistiche (Aeromissile Industries Association).

On the 15th of September 1961, following the introduction of the space activities, another modification of the statue is made and the association changed name to “A.I.A.” Aerospace Industries Association (Associazione Industrie Aerospaziali).

On the 16th of July the fusion for the incorporation of the group RITAD (Raggruppamento delle Industrie a Tecnologia Avanzata per la Difesa) and ANIE-DSS (Associazione Nazionale delle Industrie Elettroniche – Divisione Difesa e Spazio) in A.I.A., was unanimously approved in order to coordinate the activities always based on similar themes and in order to reduce the total costs, improving the performances level and allowing a major incisiveness and strength in the defence of all the partners’ interests.

With this fusion act, A.I.A. acquired, within the area of its associative frames, even the navy and land forces military sectors’ national enterprises, adopted the new name A.I.A.D. “Industries Association for Aerospace, Defence and Security” (“Associazione Industrie per l’Aerospazio, i Sistemi e la Difesa”) and a new associative statute and regulation.

On the 22nd of July 1997 the fusion act for the incorporation was stipulated and became effective on September 30, 1997.

On February 10, 2009 the Partners’ Meeting was held and unanimously deliberated to modify the statute in order to change A.I.A.D. status from “Association” to “Federation”, in accordance with a Confindustria deliberation, which recognises it’s high representative role as the Italian Industries Federation for Aerospace, Defence and Security.

The Federation adheres as “Direct Federation to the General Confederation of Italian Industry” (CONFINDUSTRIA) and becomes part of the Italian Industries’ representation system”.


A sequence of the company’s logos, a historic excursus from 1947 to 2010 of AIAD’s visive identity, is shown here below.


LOGO 1 – A.I.A. Aeronautic Industries Association: from 1947 to 1960



LOGO 2 – A.I.A. Aeromissile Industries Association: from 1960 to 1961



LOGO 3 – A.I.A.D. Aerospace Industries Association: from 1961 to 1997



LOGO 4 – A.I.A.D. Industries Association for Aerospace, Defence and Security: from 1997 to 2010



LOGO 5 – A.I.A.D. Italian Industries Federation for Aerospace, Defence and Security: since 2010



Are here available some documents that identify the route and the “people” who have marked the history of the Federation.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)