AIAD - Federazione Aziende Italiane per L'Aereospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza



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ALTEC – Aerospace Logistics Technology Engineering Company – è il centro di eccellenza italiano per la fornitura di servizi ingegneristici e logistici a supporto delle operazioni e dell’utilizzazione della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale e dello sviluppo e della realizzazione delle missioni di esplorazione planetaria.


ALTEC è una società pubblico-privata partecipata dalla maggiore azienda spaziale europea, Thales Alenia Space e dall’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, ASI.


ALTEC ha sede a Torino e ha proprio personale distaccato alla NASA e all’ESA.


I servizi di ALTEC vanno dal supporto ingegneristico e logistico, all’addestramento degli astronauti, al supporto agli esperimenti in particolare di biomedicina, al  processamento di dati scientifici, allo sviluppo e alla gestione del segmento di terra di programmi spaziali e alla promozione della cultura spaziale.

ALTEC è strutturata come un “Centro Operativo” capace di gestire e svolgere programmi ed attività nelle seguenti aree operative:

  • “Engineering and Logistics Services” a supporto delle Operazioni di Sistema e di Utilizzazione scientifica-tecnologica della ISS e altre infrastrutture spaziali;
  • “Data Archiving, Processing and Distribution” a supporto delle applicazioni scientifiche, di monitoraggio ambientale ed  educative;
  •  Fornitura di qualificati servizi di supporto per la realizzazione di progetti relativi alle tematiche di “education” e di  promozione degli aspetti  scientifici-culturali delle attività spaziali e dell’innovazione tecnologica;
  •  Fornitura di qualificati servizi di supporto ad attività di “Trasferimento Tecnologico”.


In particolare, le attività relative ai primi due punti sono realizzate grazie alla disponibilità di personale specializzato e di avanzate infrastrutture tecnologiche che caratterizzano ALTEC come un “unicum” nel panorama industriale europeo.


Il Personale


Il personale di ALTEC è composto da esperti nelle varie discipline ingegneristiche necessarie allo svolgimento delle attività di supporto alla ISS in ambedue le modalità operative “on-line” ed “off-line”: Operations, Logistica, Controllo di Configurazione, Struttura, PA&Safety, Controllo Termico/Ambientale, Avionica, S/W, AIT/AIV e Training.


Particolari competenze sono state sviluppate, e sono in continuo aggiornamento, nell’ambito della “Information Communication Technology” (ICT) durante le fasi di sviluppo e di mantenimento ed aggiornamento del Centro stesso.


Un team dedicato è responsabile per la gestione dell’infrastruttura ICT del centro curando in particolare gli aspetti di sicurezza e di interfaccia con i centri NASA (JSC e KSC).

ALTEC ha inoltre acquisito, grazie ai suoi residenti presso i centri NASA (JSC e KSC) una significativa esperienza nelle modalità di gestione (“modus operandi”) dei processi da parte NASA e nell’interfacciare il personale NASA nell’ambito degli IPT (Integrated Project Team).

Il team di ALTEC è stato certificato ed autorizzato da ASI/NASA per:

  • “Real-Time Operations Support” (ambito MER/IMC al JSC);
  • “Real-Time Operations Support” (da ALTEC Mission Control Room in Torino);
  •  Accesso alle aree operative ed ai databases “protetti” del KSC.


Il personale, inoltre, è periodicamente formato ed aggiornato ai fini di mantenere e migliorare le capacità operative attraverso un adeguato piano di formazione e “training”.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


  • Company Dimension


  • Share capital

    € 552,223

  • President

    Fabio Massimo GRIMALDI

  • CEO

    Vincenzo GIORGIO

ALTEC – Aerospace Logistics Technology Engineering Company – is the Italian center of excellence for the provision of engineering and logistics services to support operations and utilization of the International Space Station and the development and implementation of planetary exploration missions.

ALTEC is a public-private company owned by the major European space company, Thales Alenia Space and the Italian Space Agency, ASI.

ALTEC is based in Turin and has liaison offices at NASA and ESA. ALTEC services ranging from engineering and logistics support, training of astronauts, to support experiments in biomedicine in particular, the processing of scientific data, the development and management of the ground segment of space programs and the promotion of space culture.

ALTEC has responsible role in its major contracts dealing with:

  • Ground Segment design, development and operations for the future ESA – IXV Mission;
  • Advanced Scientific Data Processing and Archiving for the ESA – GAIA Mission;
  • Astronaut and ground crew training;
  • Coordination and Supervision Control Centre design, development and operations for future UAV (Unmanned Air-Vehicle) Monitoring System-of-Systems.

The valuable experience acquired has permitted ALTEC to obtain also in the ESA-ISS environment the status of “Engineering Support Centre” and to this purpose a proper facility has been developed.

As a consequence, nowadays ALTEC is structured as a Centre able to manage and execute on-line and off-line monitoring and control of manned systems interfacing with NASA and ESA Control Centre.

ALTEC has significantly enlarged its competence in the last years in response to solicitation from the markets and to shareholders assignments.

The company has now started activities and initiatives aimed to develop “specialist centres or systems” dedicated to the generation of “user’s related products” in a broad ensemble of activity areas including Space Exploration as well as Unmanned Aero-Vehicle (UAV) Operations Control.

Personnel Skills

ALTEC staff is composed by highly skilled experts in the overall space engineering disciplines – operations, logistics, configuration, structure, PA&Safety, thermal/ECLS, avionics, S/W, AIT/AIV and training – who had been able to acquire valuable knowledge of methods and approaches to perform off-line and on-line mission support to NASA Control Centres.

Of particular interest is the expertise developed in the area of the Information Communication Technology (ICT) during the center development phase and presently in the frame of the Center operations and maintenance.

A dedicated team is in charge of managing the center ICT infrastructure as well as security aspects and interfaces with the NASA (JSC and KSC) and ESA (Columbus – MCC) Centres.

ALTEC has also acquired, through its residents to NASA KSC and JSC, a significant expertise in dealing with the NASA personnel, processes, and actual ISS modus operandi.

The team has been certified and is authorized by ASI/NASA for:

  • Real time Operations Support from MER/IMC at JSC;
  • Real time Operations Support from ALTEC Mission Control Room in Turin;
  • Access to JSC protected areas and databases.

Adequate training processes have been developed and are used to maintain personnel skills and to certify newly acquired personnel for preparing them to participate in the support operations activities.

ALTEC provides engineering support services to ASI for activities related to the “Permanent Multipurpose Module” (PMM) docked to the International Space Station. The support is provided by the PMM engineering team through the ALTEC “Mission Support Center” (MSC) connected to the NASA Mission Control Center in Houston, via the ASINet network. ALTEC MSC also supports the Orbital CYGNUS mission

ALTEC is responsible for providing directly to ESA the Training, Logistics and Operations Support Services for the ISS.   Moreover, ALTEC operates one of the ISS “Engineering Support Centers” (ESC). The ESC is connected via the IGS-ESA network to the Columbus Control Center in Germany, and through it to all ISS European centers.

In the frame of the Integrated Logistics Support provided to ESA elements on ISS, ALTEC operates as Ground Logistics Center. ALTEC is responsible for Logistics Engineering Support, Inventory of on ground and on orbit assets, Launch Packaging Preparation and Execution, Ground Logistics Support and Transportation, Spare Management and Warehousing.

ALTEC is responsible for ISS Training Services to ESA. Global Technical coordination and selected tasks are carried out by ALTEC instructors who work on a permanent basis at the ESA European Astronaut Centre in Cologne, Germany.

ALTEC supports the activities of the Columbus Control Centre (Col-CC) in Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich, Germany, through its permanent staff responsible for the Flight Director and Columbus System stations and the management of on-board computers.

ALTEC and Space Biomedicine : bringing on Earth Space methodologies and techniques, for human wellness and health. ALTEC  actively collaborates with the national and international science community to support science experiments on-orbit and on ground, also by promoting its Neutral Buoyancy Test Facility  for gravitational physiology.

ALTEC provides engineering support to ASI for the management and implementation of research activities on board of the International Space Station, supports the missions of Italian astronauts and provides European bonus food.

Under the ESA “EXOMARS” program, ALTEC is responsible for the design, development and management of the “Rover Operations Control Centre” (ROCC). The ROCC will be the center in charge of the monitoring and control of the system and science operations of the Rover on the Mars surface. It includes also the “Science Operation Centre” (SOC), carrying out selected science analyses.

ALTEC is consolidating its role as a key player in Robotic deep space exploration with Mars Sample Return – Sample Fetch Rover (MSR-SFR) mission. ALTEC will further enhance and evolve its ROCC to support new challenging mission requirements. ROCC will serve as the laying foundation for the MSR-SFR Ground Control Center or GCC, for which ALTEC is responsible for the design, development, management and operations activities.

SPACE EXPLORATION – MMTD Mars & Moon Terrain Demonstrator
ALTEC performs technological innovation research activities, relevant to environment recognition, navigation and control, development of elements for environment modeling with 3D reconstruction and man-machine interfaces.

Under the ESA program of the IXV atmospheric re-entry demonstrator, ALTEC has responsibility for the design, construction and subsequent operations of the ground segment of the mission. The ground segment includes the whole infrastructure needed for the mission support: the Mission Control Center at ALTEC, the Ground Stations, including the one on board of the spacecraft recovery ship, and the communications network.

Leveraging on the heritage of the IXV mission and on the experience gathered in the frame of data processing activities, ALTEC supports ESA’s SPACE RIDER mission encompassing the roles of Payload and Landing Control Center. ALTEC will act as a gateway for all Payloads that will be flying aboard this new European re-entry vehicle and will take care of guaranteeing a safe return to earth and landing of the spacecraft and its cargo.

ALTEC has matured important heritage and know-how in designing and operating missions’ ground segment. Leveraging on the above ALTEC aims at becoming a key player in the provision of end-to-end industry-class ground segment and operations services for CubeSats. ALTEC services encompass: Mission Operations Control Service; Overall Operations Control Center design; Mission Planning concept development; Payload Data Processing.

ALTEC  has been awarded by Malaysian Companies some studies on the various aspects relevant to suborbital flights for microgravity experiments, space tourism and point to point transportation, with particular focus on ground infrastructure, spaceport and safety.

Gaia is an ESA space astrometry mission to create an extremely precise three-dimensional map of about one billion stars throughout our Galaxy and beyond. ALTEC is responsible for the development and system operations of the Gaia Data Processing Centre – Turin (DPCT), the Italian node of the ESA data centers network.

An important activity carried out by ALTEC is the promotion of space culture through the organization of exhibitions, events and guided tours of its facilities. These initiatives are for the most part carried out in close collaboration and coordination with ASI, ESA and other agencies and organizations in the Piedmont region.


  • ICT
  • airborne
  • base security systems
  • naval
  • for UAV
  • for satellite systems
  • integrated logistic support to ground segment for operations and data processing