AIAD - Federazione Aziende Italiane per L'Aereospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza



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  • Company Dimension


  • Share capital

    € 559,981.80 f.p.

  • President

    Riccardo GIANNI

  • CEO

    Giovanni DAL LAGO

  • CBDO

    Gino BUCCIOL

Officina Stellare SpA, is a small medium-sized company with headquarters in Sarcedo (VI), listed on the AIM of Borsa Italiana and leader in the design and manufacture of complex opto-mechanical and aerospace instrumentation for Ground and Space-based applications.

The Company stands out in the Italian and international industrial panorama for the entirely in-house availability of the know-how and processes necessary for the development, implementation and commissioning of its products and systems.

Combining top-level technical-scientific skills in very different areas with flexibility and time-to-market actions, is one of the most significant and specific strengths of Officina Stellare SpA.

The company, in addition to being involved in space experimental and research projects, counts among its clients prestigious Research Institutes and Universities, Space Agencies, corporate and government players in the aerospace and defense market, both nationally and internationally.

Officina Stellare SpA, is an innovative small medium-sized company (SME), with a solid background in the design and manufacture of complex opto-mechanical and aerospace instrumentation for Ground-based applications such as Ground stations, Astronomy observatories, SSA and SST, instrumentation for the Defense or Laser Communication and Space-based applications, like space payloads for Earth Observation applications.

The name “Officina Stellare” encompasses the philosophy of the Company since its origins and was chosen to indicate the coexistence of two elements that distinguish the company’s activity: “Officina” to indicate the care, attention to detail and passion that is expected from those who, like a craftsman, design, create, forge unique pieces, and “Stellare” to indicate the design and manufacture of high technology products for the scientific research field.

OS products are known for their highly advanced technology and competitiveness. Time-to-market, versatility, results achieved, and the in-house control over most of the value chain make OS uniquely positioned to stand out on the market.

The products offered by the Officina Stellare consist of “telescopes” (opto-mechanical systems), which are divided into “standard” products (COTS – Commercial Off The Shelf) and “custom” products (made to specification by the end customer), depending on the different characteristics and processes of the optics, both ground-based and space-based.
The development of opto-mechanical products for astronomical and aerospace research, together with the ability to customize the product, constitute a technical asset that allows the Company to attract customers and markets in the research, aerospace and defense sectors.

From R&D to manufacturing and quality control, Officina Stellare is one of the very few companies worldwide to have the full production lifecycle of telescopes, opto-mechanical and aerospace instrumentation in-house. Having oversight of its value chain enables the company to better manage risks, maximize efficiencies, and reduce environmental impacts.
This represents both a major opportunity and challenge for the company, which has grown exponentially over the past few years, generating its revenues in the following sectors:

  • Scientific Research
  • Earth Observation
  • Aerospace
  • Laser Communication
  • SSA/SST and Defence

The in-house optical design and manufacturing lab can design and manufacture space and ground-based optical systems up to 1.6-m diameter aperture.

As for Earth-based research applications and services, Officina Stellare offers:

  • Custom design and manufacturing of up to 1.6 meter automated telescopes and wide field optical systems, providing astronomers with powerful and reliable tools for modern astronomy research and surveys.
  • Readily available, up to 1m diameter, complete telescopes and astrographs. Ritchey–Chrétien and our exclusive RiDK, RiFast and RH Veloce designs meet the most common needs of professionals and institutions.
  • Proven know-how for thermally critical environments and specialized applications.
  • Development and manufacturing of remotely controlled large optical systems and high-speed pointing/tracking platforms for Space Situational Awareness/debris applications.
  • Development and manufacturing of highly reliable sealed optical system for hi-speed slewing (weapons range, video tracking applications)
  • CCD cameras and focal plane engineering, to match third-party instruments to telescopes.

In the Space segment, Officina Stellare offers a full-in-house TRL-9 expertise level on low cost, high performance, high replicability and reliability design space telescopes for Earth surface imaging or laser comm applications. The internal “space qualification process” capability on specific materials has enabled the company to further offer cost-effective solutions and face new market opportunities.

  • aerospace
  • small research satellites
  • remote sensing satellites
  • telecommunication satellites