AIAD - Federazione Aziende Italiane per L'Aereospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza



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La SICAMB S.p.A. è stata fondata nel 1975 con la partecipazione della Martin Baker Aircraft Co. Ltd., con lo scopo principale di produrre e revisionare i seggiolini eiettabili Martin-Baker e di costruire sottocomplessivi maggiori per velivoli civili e militari.

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  • Company Dimension


  • Share capital

    € 5,400,000.00

  • Chairman

    Umberto KLINGER

  • General Manager

    Marco KLINGER

  • General Manager

    Giorgio KLINGER

  • Technical Director

    Attilio GALASSO

  • Finance Director

    Angela PONTILLO

SICAMB S.p.A. was established in 1975 with the participation of Martin Baker Aircraft Co. Ltd., with the main purpose of the production and overhaul of the Martin Baker ejection seats and major subassemblies for civil and military aircraft.


Research, development and production, under licence of Martin-Baker, of ejection seats for military aircraft JSF, Typhoon, M346 (over 1200 ejection seats manufactured). Overhaul and modification plan on ejection seats for military aircraft Tornado, MB339A-CD, AM-X.

Research and development of crashworthy systems.

Production of crashworthy seats for helicopters.

Production of structural assemblies for military aircrafts such as MB339, AMX, ATL2, C27J.

Research and development of main structural assemblies for civil aircraft such as 787 Auxiliary box, A380 Floor grid, A380 Cargo door, A330 Cargo doors, A321 Passenger to Freighther Cargo Door.

Production of structural assemblies for civil aircraft such as EC135 Fuselage sub-assy, AIRBUS A330 and A321 Passenger to Freighther Floor structure, A380 floor, A320/A321 floor, A300/310 floor, AIRBUS A330 Cargo door, AIRBUS A380 Cargo door, MRJ passenger-service-baggage doors, FALCON 2000 Baggage e Rear doors, ATR-42 Pylon, BOEING 767 Cargo/Tanker Vertical Fin Chords.

Design and production of Thrust Reverser for FALCON 900EX and FALCON 2000, HAWKER 900, HAWKER 4000, CESSNA ENCORE.

Production of main wheels and brakes for the EUROFIGHTER aircraft as work share partner of Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems.

Production of composite parts for ejection seats and civil aircraft structures.