19 June 2020
8. Do initial certification Stage 2 audits have to be done fully on-site or can a CB use ICT for some % of the audit duration and issue the certificate once the remaining audit duration is completed on-site?
There is no alleviation for initial certification audits. All existing ICOP scheme rules apply. The use of ICT for up... -
19 June 2020
7. What does a CB do when a company or facility is unwilling to share data on-line or through an ICT audit for a variety of reasons (such as perception of proprietary information, corporate policy, etc.)?
Certificate suspension may be required at year end 2020 (or after 18 months from the certification decision date for the... -
19 June 2020
6. Is it still required that all clauses of the applicable AQMS standard (except requirements determined as not applicable within the determined scope) and the organization’s processes that are part of the QMS be audited during the surveillance audits within one certification cycle since some activities can apparently be pushed back to 2021?
Yes, all clauses must be audited. That requirement has not changed. -
19 June 2020
5. ASRP is not addressed in the IAQG OPMT Notices for COVID-19. Does this mean that if a CB conducts a remote audit in 2020, the processes that were not covered need to be audited in 2021 instead of the established schedule for the audit program?
Yes, the same rules apply to ASRP; unused audit duration must be moved to next surveillance or recertification audit and... -
19 June 2020
4. Can ICT be applied to a transfer special audit?
Yes. An alleviation has been granted in the Notice to ABs and CBs dated March 25, 2020. Certification transfer activities... -
19 June 2020
3. Can ICT be applied to a Stage 1 initial audit?
No alleviations are planned since stage 1 is linked to initial certification audit. 9101 requires Stage 1 audits to be... -
19 June 2020
2. If a CB determines it cannot audit all activities during a surveillance or recertification audit, can the CB shorten the audit duration for that audit since the CB is not auditing everything and then simply add duration to the 2021 surveillance or recertification audit?
The audit duration can be shortened but the reduced audit duration must be justified and the calculation methodology included in...