AIAD - Federazione Aziende Italiane per L'Aereospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza

Who we are

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AIAD is the Federation, member of Confindustria, that represents the Italian Companies for Aerospace, Defence and Security.

It includes almost all the national enterprises that operate with advanced technology in the design, production, research and services activities for the civil and military aerospace, military navy and army sectors along with all the related electronic systems, equipment, cyber defence and security connected to these domains. AIAD maintains strong relationships with national, international or NATO related institutions in order to promote, represent and guarantee the interests of all its industries.
On this subject, significant action has implemented by NIAG (NATO Industrial Advisory Group) thanks to its expertise.

As representative of the Italian Industry, it is a member of the equivalent European Association (ASD). In this context it acts as the point of reference for all the national and foreign institutions for the coordination of all those activities in which there is a need to represent the sector’s national interest.

It draws and submits reports together with industrial positions to the different government bodies and to any other foreign institutional organization.

AIAD provides a significant contribution to the development of the sector’s plans that will be developed by the Defence bodies and/or other Government Administrations that deal with research or innovation, procedure, technical and contract guidelines.

There is a strong cooperation with the Administration, the Secretariat General of Defence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, University and Scientific Research or other bodies and institutions such as ENAC, ASI, CNR, etc.

In order to monitor and facilitate more effective coordination in relation to EU activities and initiatives, it has its own office in Brussels; a permanent presence is also active at the General Secretariat of Defense to monitor and coordinate initiatives in support of the internationalization of its companiesand to promote a structured and daily updated dialogue between Defense and Industry.

The Federation coordinates a variety of working groups in national and international sectors, it promotes the organization of seminars and congresses events and it collects statistical reports on the performance of the main economical indicators. Furthermore AIAD is the actor of the intensive promotional activities abroad, both to coordinate the Italian participations to the most important international events and to organize and direct not only the mission of our enterprises abroad but also the visits of foreign delegations in Italy.

AIAD provides through UNAVIA support for the activities of Standardization, Training and Qualification of Personnel.

UNAVIA and ANPAM, National Association of Manufacturers of Firearms and Ammunition for Sport and Civil Uses are members of AIAD.

AIAD is a Founding Member of the National Aerospace Technology Cluster (CTNA) of which it manages the General Secretariat.



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