AIAD RMS – Regional Management Structure (formerly CBMC)

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The CBMC (Certification Body Management Committee) is the Italian Committee set up by the Italian aerospace, space and defence industry in co-operation with AIAD to manage the application of the ICOP (Industry Controlled Other Party) certification scheme in Italy, using the EN9104 trilogy (9104, 9104-002 and 9104-003) of requirements, and to enable the certification of suppliers’ quality management systems to the EN 9100, 9110 and 9120 AQMS (Aerospace Quality Management Systems) standards.
The CBMC reports to the AIAD Quality Committee and was established in co-operation with the Italian national Accreditation Body ACCREDIA (previously SINCERT) on January 23rd, 2003. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between AIAD and ACCREDIA for the Accreditation and the Surveillance of Certification Bodies participating in the ICOP scheme.
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For further information please contact the CBMC secretariat:
Tel. (+39) 06 4880247
Fax (+39) 06 4827476
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Italiano (Italian)