AIAD - Federazione Aziende Italiane per L'Aereospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza



Standardization, Training and Qualification Association in the Aerospace, Defence and Security Sector

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This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


  • Company Dimension


  • Chairman

    Rossella ANDREOZZI

  • Deputy Chairman

    Gen. Isp. Capo Giuseppe LUPOLI

  • Training & Administration Directorate Head

    Silvia BADIALI

  • Standardization Directorate Head

    Carmine SCAFA

  • ITANDTB Administrative Head

    Massimiliano NERATTINI

UNAVIA  is a free, no profit, association established in 1946 by the main aeronautical manufacturers and the Ministry of Defence (via Costarmaereo) for standardization in the aeronautical sector. 

Nowadays the Association has expanded its activity into aerospace and defence sector and its members are the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Economical Development, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), UNI (Italian National Body for Standardization) and AIAD (Italian Industries Federation for Aerospace, Defence and Security). 

UNAVIA operates in three different fields: Standardization, Training and Non- Destructive Testing Personnel Qualification (ITANDTB).


UNAVIA manages an intense standardization activity in Aerospace and Defence fields, working, directly or indirectly, in the different Standardization Contexts:

•      International:

·         ISO/TC 20 (“International Organization for Standardization” / “Aircraft and Space Vehicles”)

·         NATO AC/327 (“Life Cycle Management Group”) WG 2 “Quality”

·         ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 (“Information Technology” / “Software and System Engineering”)

·         ISO/TC 176 (“Quality management and quality assurance”)

·         IAQG (“International Aerospace Quality Group”)

•      European:

·         ASD-STAN (“AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe– Standardization”

·         ECSS (“European Cooperation for Space Standardization”)

·         CEN (“European Committee for Standardization”) for standards developed by ASD-STAN and ECSS

·         CEN/TC 274 (“Aircraft Ground Support Equipment”)

·         CEN/TC 377 (“Air Traffic Management”)

·         CEN/CLC/TC 5 (“Space”)

·         EDA (“European Defence Agency”)

·         EAQG (“European Aerospace Quality Group”)

•      National:

·         AIAD (“Italian Industries Federation for Aerospace, Defence and Security “)

·         ASI (“Agenzia Spaziale Italiana”)

·         UNI (“Italian Organisation for Standardization”)

·         UNINFO (UNI Associated Body for “Information Technologies and their applications”)

·         CTM (Joint Technical Committee – Segredifesa/AIAD/UNI –  for Material and Process Standardization in Defence field)


UNAVIA, UNI Associated Body since 1947 for the Standardization in the Aeronautical sector (and nowadays Delegated Body for the management of the UNI Technical Commission U92  “Aerospace and Defence Sector” and its Sub-Commissions), operates also as National Coordinator of Italian Focal Points in ASD-STAN and supports the Ministry of Defence in the AC/327 NATO Group.

In this general contextUNAVIA aims to play towards the Italian Industries and the Government Bodies a service synergetic role for the standardization activities.

To help in reaching this target contribute the Standardization Committee and the related Technical Commissions (mostly arranged by Technological Domain), that are transparent and representative technical bodies open to all the stakeholders.

UNAVIA participates (acting as secretary “pro-tempore”) to the Joint Technical Committee (CTM) for Material and Process Standardization in Defence field, established by common decision of following components:

·         Secretariat General of Defence and  National Armaments Directorate (SGD/DNA),

·         Italian Industries Federation for Aerospace, Defence and Security (AIAD),

·         Italian Organisation for Standardization (UNI).

The Committee aims to coordinate, address, harmonize, integrate and promote, among the three components, the standardization activities and the related documents, in the different national, regional, international and sectorial standardization contexts, relevant to the national defence in every aspect.




UNAVIA training, taking advantage of its competence in Standardization Area, partecipates in development and supports continuous improvement of organizational policies in order to provide qualified services to organizations.

Particularly, UNAVIA, has identified in training, focused in Quality Management Systems involving the entire company and the relationships between customers and suppliers, the specific tool to create an adeguate culture and a solid base for operational activities.

UNAVIA training, strictly related to its standardization activity, according to the standard requirement in aerospace and defence field, designs and provides training courses focusing on regulations and standards and on quality management methodology.

The training activities of UNAVIA are certified, since May 1, 2010 , by DEKRA, body operating under Accredia accreditation, ISO 9001 EA 37 (n cert. 3501456).

UNAVIA is accredited by the national body (CBMC) from IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group) as a Training Provider and then is one of the few training institutions in the world authorized to provide special courses of the aerospace scheme.

In order to provide a priority service more practical and more appreciated, UNAVIA, which is expanding its training, acts with highly significant partners in specific areas. For that is high significant the agreement with Plexus Systems Management, Italian issue of Plexus International, the company chosen by IAQG to design and deliver the course aims to optimize the training of auditors of the aerospace and defense.


In UNAVIA acts the “Italian Aerospace Non Destructive Testing Board” (ITANDTB).

EC Regulation 2042/2003, in part 145 of annexe II requires the staff operating in Aerospace Non Destructive Testing to be qualified according to an European Standard recognized by EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency). 

EASA requires standard EN 4179 to be that reference standard and all the staff assigned to NDT to be qualified under general control of a “National Aerospace NDT Board” recognized by the Civil Aviation Authority.

Considering the above-mentioned things, in Italy eight national aerospace prime contractors with representatives of technical bodies of  the Ministry of Defence and ENAC chartered, on July 1ft 2004, a National Aerospace Committee for Non Destructive Testing (ITANDTB) that, positioned as Technical Committee in UNAVIA, has been formally recognized by ENAC.

This Committee is the only Board recognized in Italy to manage all the operations of qualification and approval of NDT staff in aerospace field and of Outside Agency aiming to operate as Training and Examinations Centres (CAE) in NDT qualification.

ENAC and Ministry of Defence (Armaereo) representatives are part of the Board to assure proper operating of the Committee as the Italian body equivalent to the National Aerospace NDT Board require by the Standard.